Thursday, November 3, 2011

WebCenter Training in Plainview NY - November 27th, 2011

Sunday - Delivering a certification course for the MA WebCenter Marketing System - Plainview NY

This full 8 hour training implements theory and participatory drilling for marketing complete internet web solutions for small businesses, professionals & non profit organizations.

In depth sessions include needs and options for SMBs today for a web presence, contacting & identifying potential customers, LOTS of emphasis on appointment setting conversations, discovering the real needs the business owner has. 

This is a complete internet marketing approach for a small - medium size business, professionals or non profit associations/organizations.

9am - 6 pm  Sunday, November 27th.  Limited seating at the Conference Center in Plainview. This is an official NMTSS WebCenter Training event.

Questions? More info? - email me

Friday, May 13, 2011

WebCenter Training in Concord NH Sat 14May11

saturday - Delivering a certification course for the MA WebCenter Marketing System, in Concord, NH.

We'll be focusing on the appointment - setting conversations, discovering the real needs for a complete internet marketing approach for a small - medium size business, professional or non profit. 

More info - email me

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Learning while evaluating SEO programs

New Horizons just hosted an excellent free overview of a brand new certification course series - integrating all kinds of SEO into your marketing program.

The overview took 3 hours with one creator of the new syllabus, Steve (This was at the Melville facility, but Steve traveled from CT to deliver to a room of about 20 assorted business and support people)

Looks terrific. 5 separate certifications each with a 12 week course - time commitment 4 flexible hours / week, and each course integrates a live project from your business or department needs. So you create your ROI on the course, while still taking it!!!

Here's the big tip (thanks for waiting) 

Even the free overviews, webinars and come-on presentations for your Search Engine Optimization & Web Marketing needs will educate you on what you need to do....

Last week a restaurant owner and I sat through an online Yellow Pages SEO program.

And I love Ed Taylors effective approach

Take advantage.      New Horizon Melville    << The GM is Jeff and my Training Advisor is Zee

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Another SEO Client : Homes for Sale in Bayside Queens by United Realty Associates | another collaboration with Holland Results in only 10 days, without FB or Blog boost!

Chocolate that's GOOD for you???!!! New Client

Read about Organic Vegan Chocolate by NibMor - New Website Client - collaboration with Holland  NIBMOR Organic Chocolate Bars & Drinking Chocolate

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Terrific - Google URL Shortener - I'm In

This should give you the confidence about URL shortening you need - good implementation, integration and permanence.  -Daniel

From Matt Cutts Blog url shortener is now open to everyone!

September 30, 2010

in Google/SEO

I love this: the url shortener is now open to everyone! I know the folks that worked on this, so let me answer a few quick questions.

Q: Why are you doing this?

A: Google needed a url shortener for its own products where we knew the shortener wouldn’t go away. We also wanted a shortener that we knew would do things the right way (e.g. 301/permanent redirects), and that would be fast, stable, and secure.


Monday, December 27, 2010

This is an excellent brief-and-to-the-point article about MA’s acquisition of --Daniel